At Liguori Academy post-secondary planning starts in ninth grade. Students create a personal vision for their future and begin to examine what drives them. They evaluate their interests and develop an understanding of their values, motivators, and strengths. As students progress through our post-secondary program and explore the many pathways available, their desired pathway becomes clearer and more specific.  

The Class of 2024 received over $2.3 million in scholarship offers and final decisions at colleges and universities across the country.

Through the resources and opportunities available at Liguori Academy, students can personalize their path towards their passions. They learn to set and achieve goals that help advance them on their postsecondary path.

9th Grade

Students complete assessments in a proprietary postsecondary software program to understand their motivators, values, and current skills and strengths. Students complete workshops that focus on building their soft skills while exploring various postsecondary pathways available.

10th Grade

The students dig deeper into their postsecondary exploration and build on their established foundation. They learn and understand the pathways available to them after graduation: college, career in an in-demand field as defined by the Department of Labor (DOL), military, or trade school.

11th Grade

Students solidify their plan and begin internships in related fields. They complete assessments in Scoir and UScience and create their list of potential options within their chosen path. They also complete their first postsecondary presentation.

12th Grade

Students complete the final steps for their postsecondary plan to ensure their successful trajectory into their chosen path. They complete an off-site internship in their chosen field and share their final postsecondary presentations.

Through the completion of cohort classes, internships, mentor programs, shadow days, and industry certifications, students are Liguori Ready upon their graduation. 

Services Offered:

  • Scoir

  • Pathful Explore

  • One-on-one postsecondary advising

  • Group postsecondary advising

  • Job Shadowing

  • CTE Courses

  • Workforce Classes

  • Career Cohorts

  • Career Certificates

  • FAFSA Night 

  • Internships and Mentorships

Meet the Team

  • Mary Theresa Killion


  • Abigail Appleton