Career Cohorts

Liguori Academy partners with experts in the Philadelphia area to develop our career cohort curriculum with a strong emphasis on school to work opportunities. Liguori Academy not only offers common core academic course requirements, social emotional training, and dual-enrollment classes, but also provides real world workforce training in our career cohorts. Liguori Academy enlists the help of our career cohort partners to develop course work that recognizes the skills employers seek in qualified candidates to work for their companies. The result is graduates who not only are proficient in academics, but have real world skills and credentials.

Liguori Academy works with our Career Cohort Partners to provide students with internship opportunities, guidance for post-secondary pathways, and develop industry informed curriculum.

The Arts

The Arts Cohort is the foundation of our co-curricular approach to career discernment and discovery. Liguori Academy believes the study of art is the launching pad for careers in construction, technology, and beyond.


Liguori Academy is a registered pre-apprenticeship program with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor offering students the ability to receive their pre-apprenticeship certification in residential construction. This enables them to fast track into the construction industry after graduation.


Liguori Academy offers Microsoft and Google Certifications along with game design, 3D modeling, and coding. This prepares students for competitive entry level jobs for careers in the technology industry.